Crawling the web for any related open source project brought me some...well, actualy plenty of choices:
- Bluetail Ticket Tracker (BTT)
- Bugin
- Bugzilla
- Double Choco Latte (DCL)
- GNATS (aka PRMS)
- HelpDesk
- JitterBug
- Job Control System (JCS)
- OpenTicket
- Open Track
- PHP HelpDesk
- ProManager
- Request Tracker (RT)
- ReqNG
- Roundup
- Scarab
- Teacup
- TouxDoux
- WebCall
- wreq
So, it was the time to choose........hmm..............nevermind, I just picked both.
Being quite a coffee geek, I went first with DCL. After wrestling with postgresql, and set it up, I felt that this animal was so buggy and relatively unmaintained that I had to abandon it.
The setup of RT was done somewhat easier, as its documentation spread over the web. I felt that RT was much more mature since it had been around for longer period. However, I felt the administration was a bit kludgy. I also disliked the user interface style. Rather than customizing it, I decided to continue my journey in searching trouble ticketing system apropriate to my work. I am....
Back with manualy logged troubleshooting,.... with pen and papers scattered troughout my desk.
gue lebih parah lagi..
yang ada di benak gue tentang trouble ticketing ya file dengan extension ".xls"
If it is in Spreadsheet, I don't think I'll never fill in............ever!
I'd rather have it in plain text than spreadsheet either.... :-)
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