Friday, May 12, 2006

Proxy Traceroute

When I need to ensure that an IP address is properly routed and reachable, I often use the traceroute service of However when I have to query frequently, the slowness of firefox on my laptop is such a hinderance.
To keep myself from hammering down my laptop, I create shell script to do the task using elinks and sed. Here is my code:

elinks -dump --no-references --no-numbering \ "$1"|sed '1,21d'|sed -n -e :a -e '1,7!{P;N;D;};N;ba'

I saved the script as and using it with the traceroute target as the only parameter.

$ sh
$ sh

This way is much faster, really.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Intransitive Trust

In those ol' days...there were Windows NT4.
I remember the pain of setting every domain to trust each other as the trust relationship between domain is one way and intransitive.
To get every domain connected in a sane way is a great challenge.
Especially if you put different version of windows into.

That memory suddenly came to mind...
As I feel so miserable when I've got so little trust from someone I love, while she got mine, fully.
Perhaps, I need to be wiretapped, equipped with gps, and monitored 24/7 as well?!
This is ridiculous and draining my sanity.

*Taking deep breath, holding it for several seconds, and release it slowly...repeated 3x*

Hello World! :-)